About Sickle Conquest

Sickle cell Disorder is a genetic hemoglobinopathy.

The purpose of this organisation is to improve the standard of lives of people living with Sickle Cell and address issues of concerns for Sickle patients and family of those living with this health condition. We aim to make people understand the impact of living with genetic condition.

To ensure that Comprehensive Health care Services is made accessible to Sickle cell Patients who would not have been able to afford the care they need, Prevention and Management of Complications of Sickle cell disease, Provide effective Pain management regime, Infection control measures, Improve Coping Mechanisms and access to Information and Support of persons living with Sickle cell Disorder. Address Social & welfare issues and provide employment support and financial assistance during periods of sickness for people living with this disease condition.

About Sickle Cell Disorder

Sickle cell Disorder is a genetic hemoglobinopathy.

Sickle cell Disorder is a genetic hemoglobinopathy. It’s main symptoms includes: Anaemia, Severe Bone Pain Crisis. TRIGGER FACTORS: This includes; Viral or Bacterial Infections, Malaria, Dehydration, Malnutrition, Cold & Stress.

COMPLICATIONS: This may arise in Patients with sickle cell and includes: Anaemic Heart Failure, Stroke, Pulmonary embolism, Organ damage, Spleen shrinks and disappears even before puberty which compromise immunity, Increased Susceptibility to Diseases, Bone damage could result from poorly treated painful sickle cell crisis or from bone infection, Priapism which can reduce infertility, Bronchiectasis, Chest Syndrome, Blindness, Skin breakdown, Leg ulcers, Addiction to Opiod Analgesics, Blood reaction can lead to inability to receive blood, Reduced life expectancy.

TREATMENT & MANAGEMENT: This includes: Hospitalization and treatment with Oxygen administration, Pain management with strong analgesics, Intravenous Fluids, Treatment of cause with Antibiotics, Anti-malaria, Blood transfusion or Exchange Blood transfusion to reduce sickling cells.
Cure can be achieved with Bone marrow transplant at a young age, with suitable donor whose genotype is AA & probably a relative. Otherwise, it is a lifelong illness. However, there is still ongoing research and a medication called Hydroxyl urea is seen to reduce episodes of sickle cell crisis by reducing the chances of sickling of blood cells. Genetic counselling before marriage can reduce incidence of this genetic disorder.